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Octo Art

Original glitter art is available and all done by Boss Hog. Inquire with customer service to get in contact for a quote. "Bitch Better have my money" -Rihanna $$$

Limited Time... fools

Offers depend on:

1)Whos working customer service.

2)What kind of happy hour we are having.

3)The tude you come at us with.

Red Light Line

Check out our Limited edition Red Light Line out Now and available online.

The Flannel
1 of 2
  • Body

    Hampton is a leader personal training for every body at anystage. Great guy who takes care of his family.

  • Mind

    Alot of ballet 4am to metal music in pitch black for management...

    "Early bird gets the worm"-40water.

    Best teacher is Runqiao Du.

    Runqiao Du 
  • Style

    Pieces of flare coming soon. Peak at the Boss Hogs Life n Style, Looks and featured recommended products.

    Insta for now